Thursday, March 26, 2009

In the spring of 2003, three college guys traveled to Africa in search of a story. What started out as a filmmaking adventure transformed into much more when these boys from Southern California discovered a tragedy that disgusted and inspired them, a tragedy where children are both weapons and victims. After returning to the Statesm they created the documentary "Invisible Children: Rough Cut", a film that exposes the tragic realities of northern Uganda's night commuters and child soldiers. Now their organization, Invisible Children Inc., is promoting this film through a team of what they call "Roadies". Teams of college kids are piling into vans to travel the nation to present the film, raise money and get their peers involved in helping the people of Northern Uganda.

I have been given the chance to be one of these Roadies! Over the past months, God has put it on my heart to apply for this position. I would be traveling for 5 months, from August to December of this year, to high schools, colleges, community centers and universities to show the film, answer questions, and get people involved. God has given me skills and gifts that put me in a perfect position to be in front of people, working to help other people. This is an internship that will help me grow as a human being and give me a chance to gain perspective on the world.

Invisible Children is a 501(c) non-profit organization. It is not a Christian organization. It is strictly humanitarian in ideals, yet the company's founders and many employees are strong Christians. They are not able to pay for the entire trip, so it is up to me to raise $2200 before July.

I would love for you to be a part of this endeavor to help the helpless in Uganda by supporting me. Just a single one-time gift would be greatly appreciated (and tax-deductible!) and put to good use. If you would like to help me attain my goal of $2200, please donate below! I would love to share with you about the whole internship so feel free to contact me before donating!

I can be reached at 703-470-2288 or by email at

Thank you very much! If you are unable to give financially, please take a few moments to pray for me, my co-workers, Invisible Children and the people of Uganda.

Sincerely Yours,
